Global Stock Markets commission-free

Invest from 1 Euro, Trade from 25 Euro

Hundreds of Stocks & Stock CFDs from various exchanges of the world commission-free! The offer is eligible for Trade.MT4, Trade.MT5, Invest MT5 accounts*.

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Modern & Professional

We know what you need. We’ve redefined the trading interface and coupled it with the trading conditions you need for maximum success..

Powerful & Transparent

Effective trading comes down to tight and transparent pricing. Skilling’s trading experience pivots around these core characteristics.

Innovative & Reliable

Everything you need on an easy-to-use, intuitive platform so you can trade with a head start with 5ms execution that doesn’t fail.

Trade and invest in 8,000+ markets today

More than 200 trading instruments are available, and you can choose from 6 different asset classes.


50 CFDs on currency pairs.


43 Indices CFDs, including cash CFDs and Index Futures.


3000+ Share CFDs, as well as the ability to invest in thousands of shares.


CFDs on metals, energies and agriculture commodities.


US Treasuries and Germany Bund CFDs.


370+ ETF CFDs, plus hundreds of ETFs available through Invest.MT5.

Cryptocurrency Live Update

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How it works

Register now a free account and you can start trading today!


Fill in your information on the account registration form.


Fund your trading account with any of the deposit method.


There you go! You're ready to trade the world's biggest capital market.